Documentation for this module may be created at Module:VersionHistoryItems/doc

local p = {} --p stands for package

function p.get( frame )

* if page is empty, current page is used
* this function return an array with parameters:
  * Current version description (text)
  * Current version number (text)
  * Current version date (text)
  * versionHistory (holds subarrays with values from "version History item" multiple instance templates)

Debug console tests:

without page parameter:
with page parameter (use current page):
with empty page parameter (use current page):

function p.get( frame )
  local result = { [1] = {} } -- all results are placed inside the [1] subtable to make this work with ArrayFunctions #af_foreach, might be changed later
  -- get page from frame or default to current page
  local page = frame.args['page']
  if page == nil or page =='' then
    mw.log('page is empty, using current page')
    page = mw.title.getCurrentTitle().fullText
  mw.log('page = ' .. page)
  -- get version history instances from ws-base-props slot
  local baseProps = mw.slots.slotTemplates( 'ws-base-props', page )
  if baseProps == nil then return end
  local versionHistory = baseProps['Base properties'][1]['Version history']
  if versionHistory == nil then return end
  local versionHistoryItems = versionHistory['Version history item']

  result[1]['Version history'] = versionHistoryItems
  result[1]['Version history unparsed'] = versionHistory['_text']
  result[1]['Current version number'] = versionHistoryItems[1]['Version number']['_text']
  result[1]['Current version description'] = versionHistoryItems[1]['Version description']['_text']
  result[1]['Current version date'] = versionHistoryItems[1]['Version date']['_text']
  mw.log('result =')

return p;