Extension name : phpList
Allows for subscribing a user to your instalment of PHPList. ( https://www.phplist.org )
PHPList needs a name and an email address as a bare minimum, so a form should provide that information.
All the other configuration settings can be done inside the PostHandler PHP file. ( FlexForm/src/Modules/Handlers/phpList/PostHandler.php
HTML = 1; // Let subscriber receive email in HTML format
PHP_LIST_URL = 'Full url to where you have installed PHPList e.g. https://example.com/list';
FIELD_EMAIL = 'email'; // Name of the form field holding the email of the subscriber
FIELD_NAME = 'name'; // Name of the form field holding the name of the subscriber
FIELD_AS_EMAIL = 'useFieldAsEmail'; // Name of a form field where its value holds the name of another form field holding the email of the subscriber
FIELD_AS_NAME = 'useFieldAsName'; // Name of a form field where its value holds the name of another form field holding the name of the subscriber
// If the form holds no information on what list to subscribe to, the subscribe the user to the following lists by default.
3 => 'signup',
4 => 'signup',
5 => 'signup',
6 => 'signup',
7 => 'signup',
8 => 'signup'