GET1-1: GET Forms:Text
1. Create page Selentium/GET1-1
2. Add following content and save
<form action="get" id="GET1-1">
<!-- GET1-1 Selenium test-->
<input type="text" name="test" />
<input type="submit" value="GET1-1 test" />
3. In the form with id="GET1-1" type "MyTest" in the text field with name "test".
4. Click the submit button with value "GET1-1 test".
5. Verify the result:
5.1 Same page is reloaded
5.2 url will now have an argument and value of : test=MyTest
5.3 the text field with name "test" will now have the value of "MyTest"
6. Change the argument in the url test=MyTest to test=Mytest2 and press enter.
7. Verify the result:
7.1 Same page is reloaded
7.2 url will now have an argument and value of : test=MyTest2
7.3 the text field with name "test" will now have the value of "MyTest2"
GET1-2: GET Forms:Checkbox
1. Create page Selentium/GET1-2
2. Add following content and save
<form action="get" id="GET1-2">
<!-- GET1-2 Selenium test-->
<input type="text" name="test" />
<input type="submit" value="GET1-1 test" />
3. In the form with id="GET1-1" type "MyTest" in the text field with name "test".
4. Click the submit button with value "GET1-1 test".
5. Verify the result is the same page reloaded, but the url will now have an argument and value of : test=MyTest