Using file uploads
Use a form to upload one or multiple files.
_input type="file"
target* : Name of the File Upload Wiki Page
pagecontent : Text content to be added on the File Page
force : When an image, force to certain format (png, jpg or gif)
error_id : Id of a DOM Element where error notices will be shown
verbose_id : Id of a DOM element where information about the file is shown
use_label : Doesn't require a value. When an input field has a label attached to it, then the label will become the upload button and the input field will be hidden
dropzone : Doesn't require a value. Will turn the verbose div into an additional file drop zone
parsecontent: Will force FlexForm to first parse any form fields between square brackets [] inside the pagecontent field
*= a required variable
The target is basically the name you want to use to store the file or files. It recognizes [mwrandom], [filename] and other form fields, by using their name with square brackets around them (see example). pagecontent can also hold form variables.
This example accepts only a value between 0 and 10 with steps of 0.01 (e.g. 2.21)
Example 1
<_input type="file" target="pictures-[filename]-[mwrandom]" pagecontent="Information of the test file" error_id="div-error" verbose_id="div-verbose" />
Example 2
Always make sure an image will be transformed to jpeg.
Allow for multiple file upload.
Add form text field "description" on the files page content.
<_form action="addToWiki" enctype="multipart/form-data" >
<_input type="file" multiple="multiple" parsecontent target="pictures-[filename]-[mwrandom]" pagecontent="Information for this image: [description]" force="jpg" />
<_input type="text" name="description" />
<_input type="submit" value="upload" />
A _input type="file" always needs a unique ID!