Prerequisites for a successful installation
Make sure the MediaWiki installation you want to install Open CSP on meets the requirements.
Steps to install Open CSP
Then follow these steps to set up your Open CSP wiki:
- Copy the installation script from this GitHub repo to your mediawiki server.
- Run the installation script
./ <mediawiki directory>
From this point on the script will guide you through all the necessary steps for installation.
Should it be aborted or run into an error, if you restart it will restart from the step it failed at. If you would like it to re-run from the start instead you can add the parameter –skip-steps=0 to do this.
Files that will be installed
- composer.local.json - For installing all the necessary extensions.
- settings/CSPSettings.php - This file contains all the CSP related MediaWiki settings. It is to be included from LocalSettings.php (install step 2 will take care of this)
- logo/Logo.svg - The Open CSP logo. You can replace this with your own logo and it will be preserved in upgrades. If present it will not be overwritten by the install script unless you explicitly choose to let it do so.
- skin/* - CSP skin files
- wsps/* - Pages to be imported, this will be done by WSPageSync; one of the extensions installed in the composer step.
Additional install options
The install script for this release has been significantly rewritten resulting in a number of new options. You can see what they are by running:
./ --help.
There is one that's worth highlighting here: --automatic.
Actually there's two if you count -–manual, but if omitted, --manual is the default mode.
In manual mode you will be guided through the installation and be given a number of prompts.
In automatic mode, however, it will - where needed - attempt to make the logical choices inferred from context or other parameters, but it will - in any case - not present prompts.
This allows this install script to be used in things like a Dockerfile or a cloud-init script for VPS deployment.