Using a form to register a new user in the Wiki
_createuser is very powerfull and needs special attention. This option can create a new user in the Wiki. It will create a random password and send the user details to the users email address. A confirm emailaddress email will also be send.
This functionality is disabled by default and can be enabled by setting the $wgFlexFormConfig['can_create_user'] = true;
, see Installation of FlexForm.
The text for the email is this Language message : flexform-createuser-email, so it can be easily changed in your wiki by creating the page : MediaWiki:flexform-createuser-email.
The original i18n message is :
"Dear $1,\\n\\nWe have created a new account for you.\\n\\nThis is one of two emails you will receive.\\nThe other email will be your email address confirmation.\\n\\n\nOnce you have confirmed, you can then login with the following credentials.\\n\\nUsername:\\n$2\\n\\nPassword:\\n$3\\n\\nYou should log in and choose a new password."
username = [mandatory] The new username to be registered
email = [mandatory] The email address of the new user
realname = Optional the real name of the user
Create a new user with username adje
<_createuser username="adje" email="" realname="Ad Strack van Schijndel" />
<input type="submit" value="create Adje" />
Make sure that when using this powerful function to have the FlexForm setting "secure" to true for more security. Furthermore, take care where you show such a form.