




Using a form to register a new user in the Wiki


_createuser is very powerfull and needs special attention. This option can create a new user in the Wiki. It will create a random password and send the user details to the users email address. A confirm emailaddress email will also be send.

This functionality is disabled by default and can be enabled by setting the $wgFlexFormConfig['can_create_user'] = true; , see Installation of FlexForm.

The text for the email is this Language message : flexform-createuser-email, so it can be easily changed in your wiki by creating the page : MediaWiki:flexform-createuser-email.

The original i18n message is in HTML as the email will be send in HTML format :

"Dear $1,<br><br>We have created a new account for you.<br><br>You can now login with the following credentials.<br><br>Username:<br>$2<br><br>Password:<br>$3<br><br>You should log in and choose a new password.."



username = [mandatory] The new username to be registered

email = [mandatory] The email address of the new user

realname = Optional the real name of the user


Create a new user with username adje

  <_createuser username="adje" email="" realname="Ad Strack van Schijndel" />
  <input type="submit" value="create Adje" />


Make sure that when using this powerful function to have the FlexForm setting "secure" to true for more security. Furthermore, take care where you show such a form. Also it is a good idea to add reCaptcha to your form if you let anonymous users create accounts.