This is the "Parameter definition" template. It is used as multiple-instance template in Template:Class definition. It should be called in the following format:

{{Parameter definition
|Name= (text) name of the parameter
|Sorting number= Order of which the values are displayed in the sidebar
|Required= (optional: true) use this when the form field for this parameter should have the required attribute
|Multiple= (optional: true) use when the parameter can have multiple values (both for the property and formfield)
|Formfield type= (optional: value options "text", "date", "number", "select", "token", "ask token") defaults to "text"
|Allowed values= (optional: comma-separated values or SMW query with round brackets) only applicable for field types "select", "token", "ask token". Examples: "Applied, Notified, Reported" or "((Class::Work instruction))?Title"
|Slot= (optional: value options "ws-class-props", "ws-base-props") defaults to "ws-class-props". 