Documentation for this module may be created at Module:CspFunctions/doc

local p = {}

function p.getSlotData(page,slot)

This function returns a Lua table with structured content of the slot.

function arguments:
- page (optional): pagename of the page for which you want the slot content, defaults to current page
- slot (optional): slot of which you want the content, defaults to "main"

debug console tests:
p.getSlotData('Wiki:Testpagina sidebar code','ws-data') 
p.getSlotData('Template:Sidebar item','ws-class-props') 
function p.getSlotData(page,slot)
  	-- get page from function arguments or default to current page
  	if page == nil or page == '' then
    	page = mw.title.getCurrentTitle().fullText
  	-- get slot from function arguments or default to main
  	if slot == nil or slot == '' then
    	slot = 'main'
    -- get data from the slot (works for both json and wikitext slots)
    local slotData = {}
    slotData = mw.slots.slotData(slot,page)

    --mw.log('slotData = .. ')
    return slotData

function p.afExportSlots(frame)

frame args:
slots 	(text)	comma-separated list of slots, defaults to "ws-class-props,ws-base-props,ws-data"
page 	(text)	defaults to current page

{{#invoke:CspFunctions|afExportSlots|page=Template:Sidebar item|slots=ws-base-props,ws-class-props}}

debug console tests:
=p.afExportSlots(mw.getCurrentFrame():newChild{title="whatever",args={["page"]="Template:Sidebar item",["slots"]="ws-base-props,ws-class-props"}}) 
function p.afExportSlots(frame)

-- get slots and page from frame args or set default value
local slots = frame.args["slots"]
if slots == nil or slots == "" then slots = "ws-class-props,ws-base-props,ws-data" end
local page = frame.args["page"]
if page == nil or page == "" then page = mw.title.getCurrentTitle().fullText end
-- get slot data for each slot and add to data table
local data = {}
data[1] = {}
for slot in string.gmatch(slots, '([^,]+)') do
    local slotData = p.getSlotData(page,slot)
    if slotData == nil then slotData = "" end 
    data[1][slot] = slotData

function p.getSlotContent(frame)

{{#invoke:CspFunctions|getSlotContent|page=Template:Sidebar item|slot=ws-class-props}}
{{#invoke:CspFunctions|getSlotContent|page=Template:Sidebar item|slot=ws-class-props|nowiki}}

This function returns a string with the exact content of a slot.

frame arguments:
- page (optional): pagename of the page for which you want the slot content, defaults to current page
- slot (optional): slot of which you want the content, defaults to "main"
- 1 (optional: nowiki / preprocess): uses mw.text.nowiki or frame:preprocess on the content before returning it

debug console tests:
p.getSlotContent{args={['page']='Wiki:Testpagina sidebar code',['slot']='ws-data'}}
p.getSlotContent{args={['page']='Template:Sidebar item',['slot']='ws-class-props'}}
function p.getSlotContent(frame)
  	-- get page from frame arguments or default to current page
    local page = frame.args["page"]
  	if page == nil or page == '' then
    	page = mw.title.getCurrentTitle().fullText
  	-- get slot from frame arguments or default to main
    local slot = frame.args["slot"]
  	if slot == nil or slot == '' then
    	slot = 'main'
    -- get data from the slot
    local slotContent = mw.slots.slotContent(slot,page)
    if slotContent == nil then slotContent = "" end
    local result = slotContent
    -- apply the nowiki or preprocess options if needed
    if frame.args[1] == "nowiki" then
    	result = mw.text.nowiki(slotContent)
    elseif frame.args[1] == "preprocess" then
    	result = frame:preprocess(slotContent)
    --mw.log('result = .. ')
    return result

function p.ClassToClassDefinitionPage(frame)

This function returns the Class definition pagename based on a class input.

returns "Wiki:Class definition/Person"

If you want to call this inside another Lua function, make sure to include the class
as a frame argument, for example:
returns "Wiki:Class definition/Person"

frame args used:
1 	(text) class, for example "Person" or "Application page"

function p.ClassToClassDefinitionPage(frame)
  local class = frame.args[1]
  if class == "" or class == nil then
  local classDefinitionPage = "Wiki:Class definition/" .. class
  return classDefinitionPage

function p.preprocess(frame)

{{#invoke:CspFunctions|preprocess|_content={{#time:r|now}} }}
{{#invoke:CspFunctions|preprocess|_content={{{Intro|}}} {{#time:r|now}} |_args=parent args}}

frame args used:
_content	(wikitext) for example "{{#time:r|now}}"
_args 		(optional: "parent args") use this to add parent args to frame args, so that {{{Example|}}} 
			parameter calls inside the wikitext will work with parameters from a parent page.
			Note that parent args do not overwrite frame args if they have the same name.

debug console tests:
=p.preprocess(mw.getCurrentFrame():newChild{args={["Intro"]="The current time is: "}}:newChild{title="test",args={["_content"]="{{{Intro|}}} {{#time:r|now}}",["_args"]="parent args"}}) 
function p.preprocess(frame)
  local content = frame.args["_content"]
  if frame.args["_args"] == "parent args" then
    modifiedArgs = {}
    for key,value in pairs(frame:getParent().args) do modifiedArgs[key] = value end
    for key,value in pairs(frame.args) do modifiedArgs[key] = value end
    modifiedFrame = frame:newChild{args=modifiedArgs}
    return modifiedFrame:preprocess(content)
    return frame:preprocess(content)

function p.getParentArg(frame)


This function loops through  parents using frame:getParent until the specified parameter 
is found in one of the parent frames or  the maximum number of 10 iterations is reached.

debug console tests
function p.getParentArg(frame)
  local i = 1
  local result = nil
  local parent = frame
  while i <= 10 and result == nil and parent ~= nil do
    parent = parent:getParent()
    if parent ~= nil then
      result = parent.args[frame.args[1]]
      mw.log("i = " .. tostring(i) .. ", result = " .. tostring(result) )
      mw.log("i = ".. tostring(i) .. ", no parent")
    i = i+1
  if result == nil then result = "" end
  return result

function p.gmatch(frame)

This function applies the pattern matching function mw.ustring.match to an input string and returns a string containing matched values (only unique values).

frame args used:
1 	input to which pattern matching will be applied
2 	pattern 
3 	optional separator, defaults to ","
4 	optional conjunction (separator between final 2 items), defaults to separator

examples use case:
{{#invoke:CspFunctions|gmatch|'sub-header sidebar' 'main sidebar'|([^ \'"]+)|,}} will return: sub-header,sidebar,main

debug console test:
=p.gmatch(mw.getCurrentFrame():newChild{args={"'sub-header sidebar' 'main sidebar'",'([^ \'"]+)',","}}) 

function p.gmatch(frame)
  local layoutAreas = frame.args[1]
  local pattern = frame.args[2]
  local separator = frame.args[3]
  local conjunction = frame.args[4]
  if separator == nil then separator = "" end
  if conjunction == nil then conjunction = separator end
  local resultTable = {}
  local duplicateCheck = {}
  for item in mw.ustring.gmatch(layoutAreas,pattern) do
    if duplicateCheck[item] == nil then
      duplicateCheck[item] = true
  return mw.text.listToText(resultTable,separator,conjunction)

return p